I'm kind of at my wits end with this washer. Did a few self-repairs (replaced pump w/factory replacement including fuse kit, replaced main board fuse, and disassembled & cleaned, replaced lip seal o-ring/spring)
I got it working after the pump replacement, but after a water-on-the-floor issue I realized that the basket was floating. Why this is happening, I can only guess, but here's what I think:
I think the motor shaft is mobile, meaning it can move up and down, either locking the...
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I got it working after the pump replacement, but after a water-on-the-floor issue I realized that the basket was floating. Why this is happening, I can only guess, but here's what I think:
I think the motor shaft is mobile, meaning it can move up and down, either locking the...
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via Fisher & Paykel Washer WA42T26GW1 96172-A Issues
by Turbo