Monday, May 30, 2016

May tag bravos won't aggitate

My washer will fill but not aggitate. It can spin. It doesn't advance in the wash cycle. Any ideas?

via May tag bravos won't aggitate
by Textam

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Heating element and circuit breaker tripping

My Hoover AL 120 is somehow tripping the circuit breakers when it starts working, even if the temperature is set to 0º. If i disconnect the right connection of the heating element, it works just fine with cold water, if i disconnect only the left heater connection, breakers goes off. I've checked for shorts to chassis (no shorts found), heating resistance is arround 30 Ohms, witch i assume is good (7.5Amps, about 1800W@230VAC). I have no idea what can be causing this issue (main board? mains filter? ... ?) :wall:

via Heating element and circuit breaker tripping
by jpnt2008

Thursday, May 26, 2016

kenmore washer model 11092281100 won't spin dry how do I know whether I need a coupler or a clutch?

I have a kenmore washer model 11092281100 that quit working during spin dry. I reset the dial to spin dry again and there is a noise but no spinning. When I hold the washer lid open and push the button I can see that it definitely doesn't spin.

How do I find out what part to buy? Do I need a coupler or a clutch. I need to order them online since the washer is 34 years old.

It was working fine for 1 load. The next load was not totally dry during the spin cycle but after putting it in spin mode 2 more times the clothes were dry. The final load everything was saturated with water. I put it in spin mode, smelled something burning and then no more spinning. It just makes noise.

Thanks for your help!


via kenmore washer model 11092281100 won't spin dry how do I know whether I need a coupler or a clutch?
by appleheadq

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Looking for a drain hose that'll fit GE washer.

I just received an old washer from a neighbor, and I bought a drain hose for it. However, the drain hose doesn't seem to fit the washing machine. The hose is a General Electric WH41X10096. The machine comes with two drains. The hose fits the top one, but the bottom drain seems to be too wide for the hose. I was wondering if anyone can recommend a hose that might fit the bottom drain?

via Looking for a drain hose that'll fit GE washer.
by LLance

Monday, May 23, 2016

After the spin cycle stops during the drum wind down, sounds like Air raid siren

The washer was given to me. Friend bought a new washer, said it was smoking. Saw the burned spot on the board. I replaced the control board of this unit. The washer works fine from start to finish, However after the spin cycle stops during the drum wind down it makes a loud Air Raid type Siren sound that starts right after the motor stops pulling the drum. Was wondering if this is normal.??? Doesn't seem to do it during slower RPM spins...

via After the spin cycle stops during the drum wind down, sounds like Air raid siren
by Not be

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Air raid siren

The washer was given to me. Friend bought a new washer, said it was smoking. Saw the burned spot on the board. I replaced the control board of this unit. The washer works fine from start to finish, However after the spin cycle stops during the drum wind down it makes a loud Air Raid type Siren sound that starts right after the motor stops pulling the drum. Was wondering if this is normal.??? Doesn't seem to do it during slower RPM spins...

via Air raid siren
by Not be

Friday, May 20, 2016

LG Washer notice, due to water intake?

My washer is around a year old and has been in two separate houses. Works great except for the noise. When it takes in water and stops, there is a loud thud when it stops, each time. I assume due to energy efficiency and using less water,it makes the sudden stop when water is being sent in. The noise makes the water lines shake, in both houses it has been in, and knocks on the walls. Drives my family and dogs nuts. I appreciate the efficiency and it cleans well. My thought is to have water lines secured to studs ( major renovation though, as it affects the water lines on that se f the house!), unless there is a setting I can change on the actual machine or if I can change pressure going to the actual washer unit.
Any advice and help appreciated!
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via LG Washer notice, due to water intake?
by Apacholek10

Thursday, May 19, 2016

LG Kenmore Elite UE Fault Code

Hello all, new member here. I like to fix things myself and use forums a lot to help out. I posted this on the Kenmore section and it was suggested that I post here since the Kenmore is really made by LG. Go figure!!

My problem today is with a Kenmore Elite washer. It is a few years old and has always been sensitive to the UE faults for unbalanced loads. My wife is laid up sick and it is my duty to do the laundry and these faults are a real pain! Small loads, big loads, medium loads, different spins speeds, it is really sensitive, especially considering it is a large washer.

Anyway, is there a solution to fix this problem? Struts, springs, etc?

Is this a common problem?

Maybe it was a lemon when new and needs a tune-up with a new set of parts?

via LG Kenmore Elite UE Fault Code
by missing link

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Whirlpool Ultimate Care II loud noise during spin cycle, will not spin or agitate

Whirlpool Ultimate Care II Washer (15 yrs old) stopped suddenly this morning in the middle of the spin cycle. Made a loud noise that sounded so much like a pressure washer, I thought someone was outside with one. The noise is loud and grinding/gravelly sounding.

Some key points that might be helpful:
Despite the loud noise, when leaving it on spin I got all the water to drain out.
When empty I cannot spin the drum at all
I refilled on xsmall load to troubleshoot. It fills fine, but noise returns when the agitation cycle starts. The agitator spins very very slowly.
In the past, I've replaced the agitator dogs and lid switch
Just recently, it started going into the spin cycle without the lid closed

Hoping someone can help me figure out the problem. Then I would like to know if this is something that can be fixed at low cost and is reasonably easy to do.
Thanks very much.

via Whirlpool Ultimate Care II loud noise during spin cycle, will not spin or agitate
by spinmomma

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Whirlpool Stops after Rinse cycle


My washer seem to stop sometimes after going through the rinse cycle. I noticed that it was trying to drain the last bit of the water out of the pump tube, but it wasn't able so it shuts down as I it tries to go into the next phase (The tube is not higher than the washer). I can take the tubing off the sink and lower it to the drain on the floor so the last little bit of water will drain and the washer then goes through the cycle appropriately. I checked the pump for blockage, but there was none. I check the tubing for cracks etc. but there weren't any. Am I right in my thinking that the pump my be weak? Can I check the weakness with a voltage tester? I don't want to go out and by a pump and it's just that the belt is not as tight as it used to be (the belt seems tight, but I don't know how tight it used to be). Please advise, thanks!

via Whirlpool Stops after Rinse cycle
by 313Ken

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Bosch Washer Ascenta- WAP24200UC- Error Code E:00

My Bosch Washer suddenly displays a solid "E:00" Error Code. I already tried unplugging to reset multiple times. I also tried some other suggested techniques pressing and holding buttons while moving the dial to various positions 12, 6 and beyond 6. Nothing seems to clear the code. I read that it is not even an error code

via Bosch Washer Ascenta- WAP24200UC- Error Code E:00
by buddy1maus

Bosch Ascenta- WAP24200UC- Error Code E:00

My Bosch Washer suddenly displays a solid "E:00" Error Code. I already tried unplugging to reset multiple times. I also tried some other suggested techniques pressing and holding buttons while moving the dial to various positions 12, 6 and beyond 6. Nothing seems to clear the code. I read that it is not even an error code

via Bosch Ascenta- WAP24200UC- Error Code E:00
by buddy1maus

Friday, May 13, 2016

No cold water fill on stacked w/dry GE

I can only fill washer with hot water. It is like the cold water died. Can anyone offer help! I am older lady with limited skills but I can't afford a tech unless I have to.
Thank you so much in advance for any help!

via No cold water fill on stacked w/dry GE
by flytrisk

Samsung Front Loading Washer Not Draining Completely

Samsung front loading washer (WF210ANW)is not draining completely. I didn’t realize it until the machine & the ‘clean’ clothes were smelling terrible. I went to clear the debris filter but nothing was in there, & realized that by using the drain hose located in the front of the machine (next to the debris filter), I could drain about 18 - 25 oz of water remaining in the machine . No water was visible by looking in the drum & I wasn’t getting any error message; just a very bad smelling washer and clothes. Turns out, I’m able to drain that much water after every load. I’ve had 3 repair guys out to look at it & only the 3rd one even had a clue. He thoroughly checked all the hoses for blockages (including the black drain hose connected to the pump) and ran diagnostic tests. When he ran a cycle, we could hear the water draining out of the washer & down the standpipe. He couldn’t find anything wrong, but since I had already purchased a new one, he replaced the pump hoping that was the problem. That did not solve the problem, so if I want to keep using the machine (which I dont) I'll have to drain it myself after every load. I have now spent over $200 trying to get it fixed. And, of course, since it’s a stacked washer, I’ve been told I will have to purchase a new dryer if I decide to replace the washer & expect to be able to stack it. Any suggestions?

via Samsung Front Loading Washer Not Draining Completely
by Martha R.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Won't Agitate or Rinse


I have a Maytag Bravos 300 series washer, model MVWB400VQ0, that won't agitate or rinse. It will fill, the lid lock indicator light illuminates and can hear the lock actuate, and will drain. The washer worked great about 8 months ago before I moved and had to be put into storage. After receiving the washer, it doesn't work. I've replaced the control board. After it drains and stops, it gives a dL code on the control board. I'm just perplexed since the lock actuates and seems to operate properly, could it still be the lock switch? Any suggestions?

Thank You,


via Won't Agitate or Rinse
by jwalters

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Front load washer motor test.

How can I test run this motor. Where and what voltage (A/C D/C) Should I use to attach leads? Hope the picture shows up..
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via Front load washer motor test.
by Not be

Friday, May 6, 2016

Electrolux front load washer clothes still wet

I see my question has been asked similarly before but I can't seem to find a thread that has my same problems, so I apologize if this is repetitive.

I have a front loading Elextrolux washer that was purchased around spring of 2009. So far it's been great. For the last couple of months it's been leaving my clothes soaking wet after it's cycle though. I recently replaced the rubber drum liner, as it was cracked and leaking water, and didn't notice anything else on the inside to cause concern.

What's happening is that it runs it's full cycle, and it spins as it should, but about 80% of my loads are still coming out soaking wet. I had initially thought it was a balancing issue since it only started happening with heavier load, like towels and blankets. However, now even when I try and wash my husband's military uniforms they're coming out soaking wet. My confusion is that when I run the spin cycle immediately after a load the clothes come out just fine. It seems to me (in my unprofessional mind) that if something was failing mechanically then the spin cycle wouldn't work on the spin only setting either.

I've very confused and would appreciate any help I can get. Thank you!

via Electrolux front load washer clothes still wet
by Lowa Emydidae

Whirlpool Ultimate Care II won't spin

My Whirlpool washer won't spin. I can reset it by unplugging it and then opening and closing the lid 6 times in 12 secs and it will spin for maybe a load or two but then it stops spinning again. What seems to trigger the not spinning is if a load is too heavy or if I do multiple loads. Is there a belt that can be stretched? Sometimes I have to wait overnight to get the washer to spin again, sometimes it does it immediately after a reset if the load is very light.

via Whirlpool Ultimate Care II won't spin
by fernhollow16

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Anyone know where to get this replacement part and if there's any trick to installing?

Hi all,

I hope someone can help me repair my Frigidaire Gallery washer. Quick background: The washer quit mid-cycle, I don't know much more than that because I wasn't the user at the time. It was full of water and wouldn't drain. No matter which setting I put it on, if I tried to start it, the "door lock" light would come on and I could hear a faint buzzing noise coming from inside, but nothing would happen. The door was indeed locked and wouldn't open until I stopped the cycle. I noticed that the door striker was broken, so I replaced it. It was still behaving the same.

I decided to start taking it apart to see if I could find anything obviously wrong. I came across this switch (image attached), mostly in pieces and hanging from a couple wires located near the door lock mechanism. There is no part number on the switch but it is labeled "1/3 HP 16A 125V" amongst other things.

So my questions for you guys are:

Is this switch likely the problem?
Do you know where I can get a replacement? I've looked online and seen lots of micro switches that look more or less like this. Is this type of thing carried at Home Depot or equivalent?
There are what appear to be two mounting holes on this switch, and I did find a few bits and pieces that look like they broke off of the door lock. Is this supposed to be mounted onto the door lock and will I be able to re-install it there given that some of the mounting "posts" are broken?
Any other tips or clues for how to put this back together?

The washer is 18 years old so I don't want to put a lot of money into it, but it actually appears to be in great shape so I would really like to get it operational again.

Thanks for reading and I hope someone can help me out here!
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via Anyone know where to get this replacement part and if there's any trick to installing?
by ajoneja

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Frigidaire Affinity buzz but does not cycle

Our washer recently stopped working. My wife had been using it in spin only mode when it stopped working. It then would allow the door to lock shut and the time would count down but would not spin. I tested it in other modes but it did the same thing. I ran the diagnostic and got an E56 error. I did all the tests, found the ohm reading at the motor was within range and spun freely so I replaced the control board and the door lock mechanism. I then tested it and the unit ran as it was supposed to. After finishing its cycle I tried it again and it was back to doing the same thing as before. Out of frustration I shook the machine, oddly it began to run again. This made me think it was harness related. I shook it again and the unit stopped and will not run again. I've made sure the connections are tight but I cannot getting it working. HELP!


via Frigidaire Affinity buzz but does not cycle
by Matt Fey

Maytag Brovas MVWX500XLI


Hopefully someone can guide me with repairing my Maytag washer.

My washer doesnot drain 100%. I've put the unit into manual mode and it fails doing the low spin - lock led starts to flash. When I check the error codes all the LED lights flash? Not sure on this.

I've found another posting, and it turned out to be the shift actuator. The washer does spin on high but very rocky.

Thanks for any help to figure this out.


via Maytag Brovas MVWX500XLI
by langancm

Samsung Frontload Washer WF210 Shake Problem I can't figure out

It all started with noticing my washer shake more and more on the spin cycle. Then I noticed a rattle sound. So I took it apart. Found the noise to be the balancer. I replaced the balancer and the issue still occurred.

I then replaced the shock dampers. (Which I think I was sold bad parts from ebay.) The front shocks have almost an inch of wiggle room before they grab the damper or seal. I figured they were supposed to be like that. So I moved on.

I then figured our my washer spider piece that connected to the motor may be bent so I ordered an entire new basket assembly. Which I hooked up and it did not fix the problem.

That is when I started to think maybe it is the shock dampers. I put the test spin on and held the front dampers and it spun fine. So I really think it might be those. I also held the spring and the issue stopped so maybe it is the springs?

The video below I found is exactly what my washer does. But it is not the spider as everything is brand new there.

I really think it is the dampers because when I pull up on them so the inch wiggle is forced down and it can't wiggle up, this fixed it.

I am getting frustrated and don't want to keep pouring money into it so I thought I'd ask on a forum for some thoughts.

My next move is to replace the dampers again from a place like sears instead of eBay. The dude said they were brand new but were super cheap (he is actually trying to sue me for defamation of character for putting feedback about how they were clearly used. They came rusted with screw marks too in opened packaging). Also I was going to buy new spring while I was at it. But the spring seem fine? I've just been without a washer going on two months and can't wait for another part order and then wait for another one. I want to order what I need and fix it . It really seems like the wiggle in the front dampers is the cause.

I really don't think it has anything to do with the motor or drum because if I hold it in place, it works fine. The only thing left I'd what holds it.

Oh and also it only does this on medium spin, once it gets going it runs fine.

Any help or insight is very much appreciated!

via Samsung Frontload Washer WF210 Shake Problem I can't figure out
by Daniel Schaefer

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Samsung Frontload Washer (WF210) Shake Problem I can't figure out

It all started with noticing my washer shake more and more on the spin cycle. Then I noticed a rattle sound. So I took it apart. Found the noise to be the balancer. I replaced the balancer and the issue still occurred.

I then replaced the shock dampers. (Which I think I was sold bad parts from ebay.) The front shocks have almost an inch of wiggle room before they grab the damper or seal. I figured they were supposed to be like that. So I moved on.

I then figured our my washer spider piece that connected to the motor may be bent so I ordered an entire new basket assembly. Which I hooked up and it did not fix the problem.

That is when I started to think maybe it is the shock dampers. I put the test spin on and held the front dampers and it spun fine. So I really think it might be those. I also held the spring and the issue stopped so maybe it is the springs?

The video below I found is exactly what my washer does. But it is not the spider as everything is brand new there.

I really think it is the dampers because when I pull up on them so the inch wiggle is forced down and it can't wiggle up, this fixed it.

I am getting frustrated and don't want to keep pouring money into it so I thought I'd ask on a forum for some thoughts.

My next move is to replace the dampers again from a place like sears instead of eBay. The dude said they were brand new but were super cheap (he is actually trying to sue me for defamation of character for putting feedback about how they were clearly used. They came rusted with screw marks too in opened packaging). Also I was going to buy new spring while I was at it. But the spring seem fine? I've just been without a washer going on two months and can't wait for another part order and then wait for another one. I want to order what I need and fix it . It really seems like the wiggle in the front dampers is the cause.

I really don't think it has anything to do with the motor or drum because if I hold it in place, it works fine. The only thing left I'd what holds it.

Oh and also it only does this on medium spin, once it gets going it runs fine.

Any help or insight is very much appreciated!

The Tell-Tale Banging Noise of a Broken Drum Support Spider in a Samsung Front-Load Washer - YouTube

via Samsung Frontload Washer (WF210) Shake Problem I can't figure out
by Daniel Schaefer