For a few weeks, my Samsung front loading washing machine was locking/unlocking during a cycle. Last week, while in a cycle, it litterally stopped while locked, and wouldn't complete the cycle. I had to open the top to unlock manually to put the clothes in the dryer.
Since then, I've had the same problem as Scott Keen, the washer would power up, but wouldn't start when I push start.
I tried everything, I drained the water from the washing machine, I cleaned the filter, I unplugged/plugged the washer, I reset the electric breakers, I withdraw the panel to unplug/clean/replug the connexions in the panels, nothing works.
Like the video Scott sent, I tried to put it in diagnostic mode, and got the same error code : 2E.
I found that it had to do with the "Electronic control board", and tried to call Samsung to know what the piece I needed was but had no help.
The electronic panel is composed by 2 different components that are connected together, and I need to know which is the one I need to order :
- Display Control Board (DC92-00303c) -- Part with connexion to the button of selection
- PC Main Control Board (DC92-00301 P OR H) -- Part with the printed circuit
Apparently, the second part, DC92-00301P is discontinued, so if it's the part I need to change, is there an alternative part I need to buy?
I'm sorry my message is long, but I tried to give all the parameters of my problem.
My washing machine model # is WF210ANW/XAC 04.
Thank you for your help!
Washing machine powers on but won't start
by dom.gp16