Yesterday after the cycle was finished and the washer was emptied, the drain pump started to run. We turned off the washer and it kept running. When the unit was plugged back in the pump immediately started to run again, even with the washer turned off. I started a quick wash cycle to re-set the unit, however the drain pump was still on and pumped the water out as fast as it was being put into the drum.
LG support says that this is the first time they have heard of such an issue.
Can you please offer any thoughts on what to look within the unit?
Thanks for your time!!
LG support says that this is the first time they have heard of such an issue.
Can you please offer any thoughts on what to look within the unit?
Thanks for your time!!
via LG Washer WT4870CW - Drain pump is on even when washer is turned off
by LG puzzle