Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Monday, January 16, 2023

Coin Trap

I have an issue with my LG Washer WM3400CW.
I noticed my washer started smelling really funky and used the little hose to drain the water. Not much came out.

Then I notice the coin trap access. When I unscrewed it, about 2-3 quarts of water came out. I ran the washer through a cycle and it did smell better. I thought that was the end of my issue.

I then noticed when the washer was finished, the clothes at the bottom were still soaking wet. There was water still in the washer. I opened...

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via Coin Trap
by Waltz C

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Samsung wf337aag/xac main pcb

Hello, brand new to this forum, looking for some guidance. I have read online, watched videos, and searched this forum before coming here, as well as a few people I know irl who had the same issue ... kind of a last resort here.

Our Samsung wf337aag washer has worked fine for 10ish years. in October wife noticed that the spin cycle to drain the water etc was stopping randomly and taking hours to complete a load. I took apart the pump assembly, flushed it, checked for debris and damage. I...

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via Samsung wf337aag/xac main pcb
by dantric

Friday, January 13, 2023

Recommendations for a new dishwasher

Our kitchenaid has been nothing but a hassle. Have loved a Bosch in the past. What is the most reliable to buy? I'm not against used. If 5 yr old xxx brand was great but new xxx brand is poor, then I'm happy with an older one.
Would consider shelling out more for a miele... but i seem to see a fair number of those for sale used, due to needing a part replacement.
I feel like a dishwasher needs a garburator and a strong drain pump, and 90 percent of issues could be avoided?
Looking forward...

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via Recommendations for a new dishwasher
by Tyler H

Monday, January 9, 2023

Maytag Neptune Stacked Gas Center

I have a Maytag Neptune Stacked Gas Center. It's a great model and does good work, unfortunately recently it stopped working. I'm a father of 5, and we use unit heavily, but it's a work horse and love it. The issue with the unit is that when you put towels inside, I turn the knob to heavy, max extract, and cold water. As soon as I hold the start button for 2 seconds, the unit starts adding water, I can hear it, however I don't hear it rotate (spin). After a few moments, the unit is doing...

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via Maytag Neptune Stacked Gas Center
by ccalderon70

Friday, January 6, 2023

Maytag Washer Gear Case Replacement

I have a 1.5-year-old Maytag MVW7230HW and the bearing is bad, yes after a year and a half! Once I replace the gear case do I have to perform some sort of reset? If so, how much of a pain is it?

via Maytag Washer Gear Case Replacement
by cmb0034

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Another will not spin thread

I have a GE washer model WPRB9220C0WW that does not spin. I have been reading all of the great information here and before I contribute it to the waste stream I would just like to make sure I am not missing anything.

My wife ran a heavy load this weekend and complained that the clothes were still wet after the cycle completed. It agitates, fills with water, and drains just fine. I have inspected and cleaned the pressure valve line, confirmed that the lid switch is operable, checked the...

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via Another will not spin thread
by Dan Frye